
Diversified investment options for tailored wealth management experiences

Mutual Funds
Investment and wealth management made easy
Funds to meet your needs to invest in different markets
Experienced fund managers to help you manage your investment with ease
Share profits and risk
Leverage our digital trading platform to enjoy special discounts
Earn fixed income with stable dividends
Earn capital gains with flexibility
We offer a variety of products to help you reach your financial goals
Foreign Bonds
Foreign Stocks/ETFs
Invest in world-renowned enterprises
Real-time trading through automated channels
Basket of stocks to automatically diversify risks
Financial products that combine fixed income and derivative products
Derivative products can link with foreign currency exchange rates (excluding New Taiwan Dollar), interest rates and equities
Participate by joining a public offering or customized solutions
Structured Products
"Thanks to KGIB's various investment products, I can plan for every stage of my life."
KGI Bank stands by your side in protetcing your wealth and safeguarding your happiness.