E-Collection Web Platform

A bill collection platform to help you improve operational efficiency

E-Collection Web Platform provides payment collection services or bill generation services for customers, such as public and private schools, community management committees, cram schools, kindergartens, long-term care providers and more

Product features

I. 3-step bill generation, easy and quick

II. Diversified payment channels for you to choose for:

1. Over-the-counter payment
2. Bank's automatic channels (ATM, internet banking and mobile banking)
3. E-Collection Web Platform online payment
4. Credit card payment (only limited to tuitions and specific fees)
5. Convenience store and post office payment

III. Systematic automatic write-off

IV. E-mail payment notification and payment success notification services

V. Payer can print their own statements and proof of payment

Platform functions

I. System management: Customer data maintenance, role maintenance, user maintenance and password change

II. Statement basic information management: Payer extended field management, statement category management, payment item management, payee management and payer management

III. Statement management: statement period management, upload record management, online statement editing, statement maintenance, batch statement generation, announcement and statement remark maintenance, statement query, closure operations and past statement query.

IV. Collection management: self-collection maintenance, collection information query, real-time collection information query, abnormal write-off processing, customer collection recheck management

V. Authorized withholding management: ACH verification file management and deduction file management

VI. Report management: Report download records